FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2022 UPDATE: This is a public service alert from the City of Reidsville. The Boil Water Advisory which had been extended until 12 noon today, Friday, October 7, has been lifted. The water samples collected yesterday and incubated for 24 hours show no signs of contamination. We appreciate your patience over the past few days while repairs were made to the City’s 24-inch main water line and the resulting Boil Water Advisory. Again, the Boil Water Advisory for the City of Reidsville has been lifted. Thank you.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2022 UPDATE: This is an updated public service alert from the City of Reidsville. Water service has been restored after a contractor hit the City’s 24-inch main water line Wednesday afternoon. Public Services crews worked through the early morning hours to make the needed repairs.
There have been very few reports of brown water; however, the City of Reidsville’s current Boil Water Advisory has been extended until 12 Noon on Friday, October 7. Based on State guidelines, Staff have taken required water samples, which will be incubated for 24 hours and then analyzed.
The Boil Water Advisory means consumers should boil all water used for human consumption or use bottled water. This would include drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes and in food preparation. Vigorous boiling of water for one minute should kill any disease-causing organisms that may be present in the water.
This Boil Water Advisory affects anyone who receives water service from the City of Reidsville. Thank you.
UPDATE: Final CodeRED Alert from the City of Reidsville today, October 5th, 2022 regarding the damage done this afternoon to the City’s 24-inch water main, which sends water from the Water Treatment Plant to the City. City crews are in the final stage of repairs on this line and will cautiously be restoring service. The Fire Department and Public Works crews will be flushing lines across the City tonight, but residents will most likely experience brown water. The City of Reidsville will be under a Boil Water Advisory until 12 noon on Thursday, October 6, which includes drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes and in food preparation. Vigorous boiling of water for one minute should kill any disease-causing organisms that may be present in the water. Residents may experience periods of low pressure during this time. We continue to urge citizens to conserve water or to use bottled water until these problems are resolved. No further updates will occur until Thursday morning. Thank you.
Contractor Strikes Reidsville's Main Water Feed to City
OCTOBER 5, 2022: The City of Reidsville has issued a CodeRED announcement to alert residents for the need to restrict water consumption over the next several hours.
A contractor unaffiliated with the City has bored into a 24-inch water main on Scales Street. Reidsville Public Works crews were on the scene to make repairs shortly before 5 p.m. However, this is the main water feed from the Water Treatment Plant to the City. Water service will be limited to what is available in the City’s elevated storage tanks.
Residents are urged to minimize water consumption until the repairs are made, which could take in excess of four hours.
A CodeRED Alert has been issued by the City. Another CodeRED will be issued when repairs are completed.