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Request for Qualifications - Annie Penn Sewer Outfall

The City of Reidsville, North Carolina Public Works Department is requesting Statement of Qualifications from consulting firms to provide Professional Engineering for the Piedmont Street and Annie Penn Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation. The selected consulting firm will provide all necessary evaluation, design, surveying, SUE, bidding and award services, construction administration and observation associated with the rehabilitation of approximately 14,000 linear feet of sewer lines, associated manholes and sewer services.


Statement of Qualifications must be received either by email, mail or hand-delivered no later than 12 noon on February 21, 2024. SOQ’s should be addressed to:


Steve Moran, PE

City Engineer

230 W. Morehead Street

Reidsville, NC 27320


For more information about this advertisement, please contact Steve Moran at City Hall by phone at 336-349-1047, by email at, or the City website: or see the RFQ as shown below.


The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals in the best interests of the City.

Annie Penn Sewer Outfall – Request For Qualifications for Engineering Services

          Date: 2/6/24

          By:  Steve Moran, PE

          City Engineer


Project Name: Annie Penn Outfall Sewer Improvements

This project is located within the City of Reidsville and includes the gravity sewer systems highlighted in yellow on the attached drawing.   This area is in the central as well as south central part of Reidsville.  Existing pipe sizes range from 8” to 15” diameter.  The GIS identifies most of this piping as vitrified clay with some pipe being pvc or ductile iron.  This project will include determining the capacity of piping as well as the condition of the pipe reaches and manholes.  The City may apply for grants related to this work.  Henceforth the word Engineer shall refer to the selected Engineer or Engineering firm.


The Engineer shall estimate current as well as projected flows through each of these pipe reaches.  The Engineer shall also estimate the capacity in each of these reaches.  There appear to be 39 existing reaches of sewer as part of this evaluation. 


The Engineer shall run a CCTV through each pipe reach with a finished product (computer file) included in the preliminary report which shows a picture of each manhole (exterior pic as well as interior pics of each pipe wall penetration) as well as video footage of the pipe interior prepared by running the CCTV through each reach with a measuring device that can identify the location within the pipe.  This will help identify locations of repair areas. 


With the above information the Engineer shall make recommendations on which reaches and manholes need to be repaired, modified,  and/or upsized. 


The City shall provide to the Engineer the flow rates of any businesses or industries that discharge flow to these pipe reaches.  The City can also provide sewer discharges from homes in this tributary area.  However, it is acceptable for the Engineer to estimate flows from representative sample area(s) to provide a flow per home for the entire drainage area which would save both engineering time as well as staff time.  The selected engineer shall work with the Reidsville Civil Engineer, Richard Vaughn, to obtain existing flow information.


The City will provide the Engineer with drawings for sewer systems where available.  Drawings may not be available for all branches.  GIS data (topo and mh depth) may be used to determine slopes of steeper sewer however there is a possibility the engineer may have to survey some flatter, larger, trunk lines to accurately determine slope.


Include the use of two flow metering devices to be placed into manholes and include as part of the preliminary report.  This will help to estimate I/I.  Place one device at a manhole near the east end of Beech Street and the other near Coach Road.  The one at Beech Street will serve to give an estimate of I/I from an older side of town.  The one near Coach Rd will show if some of the manholes in the flood zone are getting inflow.  Gather flow data through at least 3 very wet periods and include this data in the preliminary report.  This data is to be used in sizing the sewers.  Address both I/I and peaking factors in the preliminary report.


Engineer shall incorporate North Carolina State Regulatory Requirements in the report and design. Design shall accommodate sewage flow without interruption.


The engineer shall make recommendations on upsizing as well as relocating sewer.   Recommendations on replacement or pipe-bursting shall be made where appropriate.  Rank sewer reaches as well as manholes indicating the need to replace on a scale from 1 to 5 with 5 being the most critical and in need of replacement.  Color code the 5 levels on a sewer map.


The City’s preference is to use trenchless methods where feasible and cost effective.  A consideration with using trenchless methods is a desired reduction in the impact to and disturbance of private property.  The Engineer’s bid form shall include several methods where applicable for the best pricing/benefit.


The Engineer shall evaluate where the sewer crosses under four homes and recommend how to address these situations.  These lots are shown in red on the attached drawing. Design of improvements related to this are included in this work. 


The engineer will look into plats and property boundary information as needed.  Property information is not at the City of Reidsville but held at the Rockingham County Register of Deeds in Wentworth, NC.  The engineer shall prepare the appropriate survey maps and will negotiate easements for sewer conflicts.


Work shall include three phases:  1) preliminary study provided in an 8.5 x 11 report summarizing the key recommendations thereby giving City staff time to review and finalize key decisions prior to beginning detailed design, 2) design phase including preparation of both the plans and specifications and 3) overseeing the bidding and construction phase. 


Cost estimates shall be provided by the Engineer including a preliminary estimate as part of the preliminary study as well as a more detailed estimate prior to bidding.  The City reserves the right to eliminate portions of the work at any stage of this process. 


Prepare any needed regulatory approvals such as State NCDENR approval, stream approvals (should they be needed such as a 401/404 permit) by the US Army Corps of Engineers/State of NC.  Also included are coordination with and location of existing utilities with proposed changes as well as preparation of and obtaining State approval of a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan if needed.


Provide a schedule for key steps from project inception to completion including calendar, dates, and graphics. 


Note shorter, more-concise, and project-specific RFQ’s are appreciated with no more than 10 total pages. The City of Reidsville will evaluate the firms overall experience particularly with similar projects, knowledge, and past performance. Include a brief description of at least 3 previous similar projects. 


The Engineering firm must have a North Carolina Registered Professional Engineer in responsible charge of the project.  The Engineering firm will provide turn-key design. 


The RFQ shall include the project team designated to do this work including each member’s name with their qualifications and registrations, their responsibilities with this project, and past experience with similar work.  The current workload of the Engineering firm will be addressed in the RFQ.  Include an hourly rate chart for all personnel and other charges associated with this type project.  The office location will be identified as well as the designated main contact(s).  The City needs the RFQ to determine the capability of the firm to do this work.


The City of Reidsville reserves the right to reject any or all packages received or to request additional information as may be needed to determine qualifications.  Reidsville does not plan to conduct interviews as part of the selection process, but may elect to do so if needed to determine qualifications.


Submit RFQ’s by noon 12:00  pm EST on February 21, 2024  to:

          Steve Moran, PE, City Engineer

          230 West Morehead Street

          Reidsville NC 27320

          Hard copy or email attachment are both acceptable.


RFQ must be signed by an authorized official of the firm.


Questions may be submitted to:


Steve Moran, PE, City Engineer –, (336)349-1047

Richard Vaughn, Civil Engineer –,  (336)347-2316


The City of Reidsville’s intent is to solicit for Engineering firms to provide an RFQ indicating their qualifications to do the work, then based on submitted RFQ’s, select one of the Engineering firms to do the work.  The City of Reidsville intends to negotiate a contract/proposal for Engineering services with one firm for this project.  Only after the City has selected one Engineer to do the work would we ask for project-specific costs per the Mini-Brooks Act.


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