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RFQs for On Call Engineering Services Sought by City

The City of Reidsville

July 29, 2024

Request for Qualifications

On Call Engineering Services



The City of Reidsville is soliciting proposals to assist the City with Engineering Services on an as-needed basis. The City is interested in obtaining the professional services of consulting firms in the State to support both daily activities with the recent retirement of our in-house Engineering staff and support for various projects for an initial period of three (3) years, and two (2) one-year optional extensions. Firms that serve North Carolina local governments in similar capacities are strongly encouraged to respond. Services typically conducted by the selected firm will include but are not limited to the items listed in this RFQ. Work shall be performed on an as-needed basis as authorized by the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee. Engineering firms must be licensed to practice engineering in North Carolina and be in good standing with the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors. The City of Reidsville may select multiple firms as it sees fit to mitigate potential conflicts of interest if one of the firms is also providing professional services to private developers within the City limits.


The City of Reidsville has a population of roughly 14,500 and is just under 15 square miles. Within the City limits, Public Works oversees approximately 100 miles of roads, water, and sewer as well as 9 MGD Water Treatment Facility and 7.5 MGD Wastewater Treatment Facility. The City employs two full-time engineering staff; however, both have recently retired or are planning to retire in the coming weeks. While the City has seen minimal population growth over the past 30 years, numerous single-family and multi-family developments are in various stages of design and construction. The City operates under the Council/Manager form of government and has an annual budget of $33.8 million.

Selection Schedule

The City anticipates the following general timeline for its selection process. The City reserves the right to change or cancel the selection process as it sees fit:

·         RFQ advertised and published: August 1, 2024

·         Proposal due date: 5:00pm on August 27, 2024

·         Proposal Evaluations: August 28 & 29, 2024

·         Present Recommendations to City Council: September 10, 2024

·         Contract Start Date: September 11, 2024

Scope of Services

The selected firm shall be experienced in providing professional engineering services that include, but are not limited to, the design, funding, bidding, reviewing, construction administration oversight and construction inspection of projects consisting of both governmental type capital projects and private development including all aspects of water distribution, sewer collection, stormwater drainage systems, stormwater detention, capacity analysis, roadway improvements, water and wastewater treatment. The selected firm will confirm their ability to perform the following scope of services:

·         Serve as the interim City Engineer until such time as a permanent replacement is selected.

·         Under the direction of City Manager or designee, oversee capital project designs and construction. Provide sufficient detail in plans and specifications for successful bidding and construction of needed infrastructure improvements, replacements, or expansions.

·         Serve as a member of the Technical Review Committee (TRC) and provide comments/recommendations for adherence to City policies and best engineering practices.

·         Consult, apply and inform County, State, and Federal regulatory agencies as required on projects.

·         Assist with budgeting estimates for potential projects, short- and long-range planning or rate studies as needed.

·         Review, recommend or modify engineering related ordinances, construction standard details and specifications.

·         Review, assist and compile funding applications as needed for existing and potential projects.

·         Serve as the City’s Project Manager on public improvement projects.

·         Provide sewer capacity analysis on collection system to ensure available capacity exceeds projected flows for potential or future developments.

·         Attend all meetings as requested by the City of Reidsville.

·         Periodically review construction sites as needed to confirm compliance with plans and specifications.

·         Review existing and update master plans and feasibility studies as requested.

·         Recommend subconsultants as needed on design projects or where additional, unique expertise is required.

·         Provide any additional professional or special services as required to support the continued operations and goals of the City of Reidsville.

All inquiries for the City Engineering Services’ time shall be channeled through either the City Manager or City Manager’s designee, who must authorize such request before the selected engineering firm shall perform any services.

Proposal Instructions

Interested engineering firms shall email a Statement of Qualifications containing a PDF proposal with the subject line indicating “City of Reidsville On call Engineering Services”. Proposals shall be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, to:

Josh Beck, PE – Public Works Director

1100 Vance Street

Reidsville, NC 27320


Proposals shall be organized as outlined in the proposal content and evaluation criteria section of this RFQ. Proposals shall not exceed 15 pages in length exclusive of the front and back covers. The City takes no responsibility for undelivered emails due to file size, etc. Late proposals will not be accepted regardless of this situation.


Questions or clarifications regarding this RFQ should be emailed no later than August 7, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. to Josh Beck, using the subject line “Questions regarding RFQ for On Call Engineering Services”. Responses to all questions will be provided no later than August 9, 2024 at 3:30 p.m.

Reservation of Rights

The City reserves the right to:

1.      Seek clarification of any documents or portions of documents provided during the review process including requesting additional information if deemed necessary.

2.      Negotiate a final contract that is in the best interest of the City and its needs.

3.      Reject any or all proposals as the City sees fit.

4.      Cancel the RFQ at any time should changes or conditions occur, as determined by the City at its sole discretion.

5.      Award the contract to any engineering firm that the City sees fit based on the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFQ.

Public Records

All proposals submitted to the City of Reidsville become the property of the City, thus becoming subject to disclosure pursuant to the North Carolina Public Records Act. Once a contract is awarded, any proposal received and opened shall be made available for public inspection upon request. Any projects denoted or other information deemed proprietary must be properly marked to ensure documents are removed. The City will do its best to ensure confidentiality of these materials to the maximum extent allowed under the North Carolina Public Records Act.


The City of Reidsville will not reimburse any cost incurred by responding to this RFQ.

Minimum Qualifications

The City will review all Statements of Qualification received to ensure that the following minimum criteria is met:

·         At least one professional engineer is licensed to work within the State of North Carolina.

·         The ability to provide the necessary professional services outlined above by the City, State, or Federal Government, whichever applies.

·         Has the financial resources necessary to provide the requested engineering services.

·         Is currently in good standing with the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors.

Proposal Contents

Proposals provided shall contain, at a minimum, the items listed below. Interested firms are strongly encouraged to provide additional information that highlights their unique qualifications.

·         The name of the person or persons authorized to represent the engineering firm and sign any agreements or contracts which may result in selection from this proposal.

·         Detailed information on the engineering firm’s ability to provide the technical services outlined above including their methodology and procedures to address similar projects or situations. Provide details of the organizational structure of the firm and list any additional services that could be beneficial to the City.

·         The names and resumes of several professional staff who will likely perform the work or represent the City on the various tasks previously outlined. Include a description of their qualifications, experience, certifications, and responsibilities. We strongly encourage that you highlight any experience serving local government.

·         Highlight previous experience with any laws and regulations governing water, sewer, stormwater, streets and roads including design and construction of water and wastewater treatment facilities.

·         Detailed information on the firm’s current workload and available capacity to quickly address questions or concerns from citizens or staff. Must show ability to review any plans and specifications submitted to the City within the 10-day review period.

·         Provide a list of at least three references from clients whose similar services have been previously provided. Please ensure that sufficient contact information is provided including business or city name, contact name, email address and telephone number as well as description of services provided.

·         Proof of professional liability insurance of at least $1 million and Worker’s Compensation Insurance (These forms will not be counted as part of the 15-page limit outlined above).

Evaluation Criteria

All proposals received containing the minimum qualifications above by the requested deadline will be evaluated by City staff using the following four criteria:

·         Firm’s previous experience, overall reputation, and current workload (25 points)

·         Project Management Approach (25 points)

·         Experience of proposed team in working with local governmental agencies and completing municipal capital projects (35 points)

·         Thoroughness of appropriately responding to this proposal (15 points)


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