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Streetscape Street Printing to Start on Monday, May 15

The final step of pavement improvements in the City’s Downtown Streetscape project is slated to begin with the street printing operations on Southwest Market Street and South Scales Street starting on Monday, May 15, 2023, weather permitting.

The contractor will begin at the intersection of SW Market Street and Settle Street recoating the existing crosswalks at this intersection and the mid-block crossing on SW Market between Gilmer Street and Settle Street. Daily closures at the intersection and portions of SW Market are required to perform this work. This scope of work is expected to take two days.

The contractor will then begin a similar process at the intersection of Settle Street and South Scales Street, which will require Settle Street to be closed. This work is anticipated to take one day.

On Thursday, May 18, and Friday, May 19, the contractor will install the mid-block crosswalk on the 200 block of South Scales Street. Directional lane closures will occur to minimize disruptions.

During the week of May 22, the street printing process will begin at the intersection of South Scales and Gilmer Street. Various lane closures to accommodate this work will occur daily on Gilmer Street and South Scales Street.

Finally, depending on the progress, the contractor will move up to the roundabout at the intersection of West Morehead Street and South Scales Street towards the end of the May 22-26th week and continue to work through the following week. This particular intersection will remain closed until the project is completed.

Since a majority of the work above is located within the intersections, the City’s Public Works Department will set up barricades and cones to allow as much parking as possible to minimize impacts to adjacent merchants while maintaining a safe working environment for the contractor. Residents are also reminded that these dates are dependent on both the weather and the progress made by the contractors so these dates are subject to change.


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