Planning & Community Development
About Us
The Department of Planning and Community Development is led by Jason Hardin, Director of Planning and Community Development. The department is located at City Hall with the planning division on the first floor and building inspection/code enforcement on the second floor. The mission of the Planning and Community Development Department is to promote and assist development in Reidsville that is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City's Land Development Plan and the North Carolina State Building Code. The department works with citizens and developers to ensure that growth occurs in a manner that enhances the quality of life for the present and future citizens of Reidsville.
Visit our page to access information on:
Building & Trade Permits
Permit Portal
All Permit applications (Zoning and Building and Trades) are accepted online thru the following link:
Use this service to apply for permits, retrieve inspection results and to pay permit and re-inspection fees.
Permit Application types available include:
Zoning Compliance Permit Application
Sign Permit Application
Building Permit Application
Plumbing Permit Application
Electrical Permit Application
Mechanical Permit Application
Schedule an Inspection
Request an inspection online though the Permit Portal.​
- Call the office at (336) 349-1065 to coordinate an inspection.
- ​Please note, inspections are conducted Monday-Friday based on inspector availability.
Planning & Zoning
Are you planning on starting a new business, building a new structure or dwelling, or developing a subdivision in Reidsville?
Do you want to know the zoning of a particular parcel of property? The Planning & Zoning Division is the place to start.
A Step-By-Step Guide to assist in navigating the stages of opening a new business in the City of Reidsville.
The Planning & Zoning Division is dedicated to providing sound, professional land use guidance as well as high level technical and customer service. The Division encourages quality growth and development throughout the City. The staff is responsible for administering the City's Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Watershed Ordinances, Flood Plain Ordinance, Historic District Guidelines and other land use regulations.
In addition, the planning staff provide support to the Planning Board/Board of Adjustment, the City's Appearance Commission, and the Historic Preservation Commission which oversees the historic Governor Reid House. The Division is overseen by the Director of Planning and Community Development and includes the City Planner.
For your convenience, a variety of Planning & Zoning applications and documents may be found in the Document Center or listed below.
Are you interested in new construction in the City of Reidsville or its extra-territorial jurisdiction? A staff approved site plan is required for all new construction. The extent of detail or design professional certification (seal) is based multiple factors including, but not limited to, the project scope or magnitude.
Site Plan Requirements Check List
Conditional Rezoning Application
Special Use Permit Application
Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment Application
Zoning Ordinance
The City of Reidsville's Zoning Ordinance is designed to encourage the protection and development of the various physical elements of the city and its Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction (ETJ). The City has prepared a Land Use Development Plan of land use and population density to promote public health, safety, community accepted standards and general welfare. This has been done to promote orderly growth, expansion and development of the City and surrounding areas, to lessen congestion in the roads and streets, to provide adequate light and air, to secure the safety of the public from fire, panic and other dangers, to prevent the overcrowding of land and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, school, parks and other public requirements.
This Zoning Ordinance is updated as time allows, to verify all amendments have been inserted, contact the Planning & Zoning division at (336) 349-1066. The Zoning Ordinance is available in our Document Center.
Building Inspections
The City of Reidsville Inspections Division works to ensure public safety by complying with the North Carolina State Building Codes and local ordinances. The staff is available to answer questions concerning building permits, occupancy permits, building inspections, building codes, minimum housing code requirements, and related matters.
No person shall commence or proceed with any of the following without first securing from the Planning and Community Development Department a zoning permit and all permits required by the State Building Code and any other applicable state and local laws:
The construction, alteration, repair, removal, or demolition of any building or other structure
The installation or extension of any plumbing system
The installation, extension, or alteration of any heating or cooling system
The installation, extension, or alteration of any electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment
All Building Permit applications are accepted online thru the following link: Permit Portal.
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Division of the City of Reidsville works to improve the appearance of the City of Reidsville and maintains standards of living across the city. The staff is responsive and proactive to ensure basic living and working standards by sending violation notices to owners of the property and the abatement of the violation when necessary. Code Enforcement handles nuisance complaints relating to:
Areas of high grass or vegetation over twelve (12) inches in height.
- Any condition which constitutes a breeding ground or harbor for pests.
- An open place of concentration of combustible items or objects of a like nature.
- An open place of collection of waste matter of any kind.
- Any furniture, appliances, or metal products of any kind or nature which have jagged edges of metal or glass, or areas of confinement.
- Removal of abandoned or junk vehicles on private property.
All public nuisances are in reference to:
Sec. 9-20. - Nuisances prohibited; enumeration. | Code of Ordinances | Reidsville, NC
Stormwater & Watersheds
What is Stormwater Runoff?
A watershed is an area of land where the stormwater drains into a common body of water, such as a stream or lake. Everyone lives in a watershed. Over half of Reidsville is in the Haw River Basin. The Haw River begins north of Kernersville and flows through the Piedmont Triad into Lake Reidsville and eventually into Jordan Lake. Jordan Lake is one of the State's largest tourist attractions that also serves as a municipal drinking water source for Cary, Pittsboro and other municipalities in central North Carolina. Roads, parking lots, sidewalks, and rooftops are all made of impervious surfaces. These surfaces do not allow rainwater to soak into the ground where it is naturally filtered and deposited into our groundwater. This causes flooding and nonpoint source pollution or stormwater runoff. Nonpoint source pollution is caused when rainwater washes over the surface, collecting fertilizer and pesticides, motor oil, dog waste and other pollutants. Nonpoint source pollution is difficult to address because it doesn't just come from one place which requires all jurisdictions in the Jordan Lake Watershed to be responsible for cleaning up the Jordan Lake. As of 2009, the legislation known as the "Jordan Lake Rules" requires all communities in the Haw River Basin to reduce nutrient inputs to Jordan Lake.
By August, 2012, the City of Reidsville is mandated by the Jordan Lake Rules to implement stormwater regulations pertaining to new development in the Jordan Lake Watershed. As a result, the City will be adopting the Stormwater Program and Ordinance for New Development in the Jordan Lake Watershed.
Additionally, Lake Reidsville serves as the drinking water source for Reidsville and is in the Troublesome Creek Watershed. The City implements the Water Supply Watershed Protection Ordinance for properties which are also within the Troublesome Creek Watershed.
For more information on the Stormwater and Watershed Ordinances pertaining to Reidsville, please contact the Community Development Department.
The City of Reidsville has partnered with Stormwater SMART to do public education and outreach. Please visit their site by selecting on this link.
Jordan Lake Nutrient Strategy - NCDEQ
Stormwater Educational Videos - Piedmont Triad Regional Commission
The City of Reidsville's Geographic Information System (GIS) can best be described as an information investment for the community. GIS is a computerized system for developing, storing, managing and analyzing spatially related data. So what does that mean? It means information is tied to a specific location, such as your home address or an "x,y" coordinate like a fire hydrant.
How can GIS help you? GIS can be used for a variety of applications from municipal mapping to determining the fastest way to route a vehicle from one location to another. In other words, it can help fire and police emergency vehicles get to you more quickly if you're having a heart attack or someone is breaking into your home.
But GIS can be used in non-emergency situations as well. You can find out details about a vacant parcel of land, including who the owner is, the zoning of the property, whether water and sewer is available to the site and whether the property is in a watershed, floodplain or historic district. All of this information is in different "layers" which can be turned on or off depending on what you want to view.
The GIS program has become a very important tool that is used by virtually every department of the City. It allows staff to get information on various areas to citizens and developers in minutes instead of hours. It helps the City fine tune services such as trash pickup and rental inspection programs. It allows staff to provide faster response to complaints such as overgrown yards, stormwater problems and condemnable houses.
The City of Reidsville uses GIS software by ESRI, Inc. The layers (shapefiles) listed may be viewed by downloading free ArcExplorer software available through the ESRI homepage. The layers also may be viewed by using ESRI's ArcGIS software.
You may contact the Planning & Community Development Department at (336) 349-1065 to acquire GIS data layers (shapefiles). Rockingham County Tax Parcel data can be accessed from the Rockingham County website:
Contact Us
Planning & Community Development
Reidsville City Hall
230 W. Morehead Street
Reidsville, NC 27320
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am- 5 pm
Phone:(336) 349-1065
Fax:(336) 347-2355
Email: (planning & zoning)
Email: (building permits & inspections)